These Masks

These Masks

Reveal More Than They Cover

When Asked in the Store “For

The Safety of My Crew

Could You Too Do

The Bare Minimum?” Hands Hover.


“Why” They Ask. As if There’s Something New to Tell

As if They Can Catch Me in a Lie

As if I Don’t Know They Deny

The Very Premise For The Mask

“Why” They Ask. Just to Breathe Easy One More Moment

While I’m On Hour Nine, Unprotected By The Divine Savior They Worship


I Look at Their Skin

One Wife, One Husband

A Ring on My Finger

My Wife, My Love And

Only Recently Were We Allowed To Be Us

Only Recently Allowed To Display Our Trust


“They’re Just Trying To Change Our Way Of Life” They Say


I’ve Been Trying To Change Your Way Of Life Since The Day I Woke Up.

Since The Day I Spoke Up Against Injustice Around Me

Since The Day I Found She Felt Your Poisons As Profoundly We

Must Demand Our Self-Evident Truths

Ironically Defined By Slave-Owners Who Fashioned

A False Reality Of Sin Who Imagined

The False Hierarchy We’re In 

Only They Were Blessed

Yes, Chosen By God

To Be Happy To Be Calm  

To Have The Peace Mentioned In The Psalm


How Terribly Ironic. Jarring. Infuriating.

That You Could Say To Me You’re a Victim Of Debilitating

Efforts To Change You

I Hate You In This Moment. I Don’t Want To. I Try Not To.

But I Do.


Mask Still Slumped At Your Neck, As You Judge Me For The Bother

Father Trump In Your Head, His Voice, Your Collar

A Woman, Aware Enough To See

The Way You Talk To Me, Watches

Mask, Visor, Gloves

She’s At Risk

I’m At Risk

You’re At Risk


I Want To Risk My Job

Show You My Soul

React In A Way That I Know

Will Get Through

Must Get Through


She Sees Me

That Woman

I Can Tell


Can You See Me Too.

I Don’t Know If You’ve Even Tried.

As You Wait For My Answer, I Look Into Dead Eyes


I Remember Why I Changed My Life

I Remember Why I Need To Work To Empathize

You’re Following What You Know

I Did Once Too

Once Had My Eyes Closed, Deadened To The Answer Before You


Because Selfishness Is Not Your Birthright.


Because There May Not Be An Afterlife

It’s Here And Now That We Must Strive For

Here And Now People Have Died For

Your “Why?”


I WILL Change Your Way Of Life

With Every Tool At My Disposal

Every Rhythm And Rhyme

Every Creative Proposal

I Will Change Your Mind

I Will Open Your Soul

To The Emotions Inside That You Have Been Told

Are Worthless, Are Weak

Don’t Acknowledge, Don’t Speak

My And Your Hatred Will Be Crushed By The Empathy I Bring I Swear It


I Am Promising Love

I Am Promising Hope

What You Feel Matters

But It Has A Deeper Scope

Go Deep With Your Hatred

Find Its Roots

It Grows From Emotions That Grow From You


Anger, Fear, Shame

All Of These Are Pain, When Gone Untreated

All Of These Build Slowly And Are Deep Seated

The Answer Is Not To Ignore

It Has Never Been

In Any Situation We Ever Been In


That Is The Shame Of Our Society

That Holds Outward Appearance Over The Rage And Anxiety

Bubbling Within Its People

My People

Your People


I Love You

I Know You Hurt

I Do Too




Because That Piece Of Cloth Around Your Neck is Not Your Mask

It Is How You Tell The World That You Are With Us

Next To Us

No Better And No Less Than Us


These Masks Reveal More Than They Cover

These Masks Reveal Our Love For Each Other